
Hews Development Corporation, et. al. [Sec. 145, 145.1 & Agreed Stmt.]

Document Type:
Sec. 145, 145.1 & Agreed Stmt.
Published Date:
Effective Date:

IN THE MATTER OF the Securities Act, 1979, R.S.B.C., c. 380
AND IN THE MATTER OF the Securities Act, S.B.C. 1985, c. 83,
as amended
AND IN THE MATTER OF Hews Development Corporation, William Neil
Smith, Carol Ann Smith, Aaron David Davidson and William Alfred
Section 145 and Section 145.1 Orders Against William Neil
N. de Gelder
October 10, 1989

   ORDERS:-- WHEREAS an Agreed Statement of Facts was executed by William Neil Smith ("Smith") and the Superintendent of Brokers (the "Superintendent") a copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule "A";

   NOW THEREFORE the Superintendent, considering that it would be in the public interest to do so, orders:

that pursuant to Section 145 of the Securities Act S.B.C. 1985, c. 83, as amended (the "Act") the trading exemptions contained in Sections 30 to 32, 55, 58, 81 and 82 of the Act do not apply to Smith for a period of five years commencing on June 1, 1989 and ending on May 31, 1994;
that pursuant to Section 145.1 of the Act, Smith is prohibited from becoming or acting as a director or officer of any reporting issuer for a period of five years commencing on June 1, 1989 and ending on May 31, 1994.
Superintendent of Brokers

IN THE MATTER OF the Securities Act,
1979, R.S.B.C., c. 380
S.B.C. 1985, c. 83, as amended86
AND IN THE MATTER OF Hews Development Corporation,
William Neil Smith, Carol Ann Smith, Aaron David Davidson, and
William Alfred Price
Agreed Statement of Facts by
Carol Ann Smith

   The following agreement has been reached between Carol Ann Smith (the "Respondent") and the Superintendent of Brokers (the "Superintendent"):

1. As the basis for orders made pursuant to sections 145 and 145.1 of the Securities Act S.B.C. 1985 c. 83 as amended (the "Act") withdrawing the statutory exemptions of the Respondent and prohibiting the Respondent from becoming or acting as director or officer of any reporting issuer, the Respondent acknowledges the following facts as correct:

during the period of August 1986 to March 1987 (the material period), the Respondent distributed the securities of Hews Development Corporation (the "Company") contrary to the provisions of the Securities Act, R.S.B.C. 1979, c. 380 (the "old Act"); and
during the material period the Respondent trag(a) during the period of August 1986 to March 1987 (the material period), the Respondent distributed the securities of Hews Development Corporation (the "Company") contrary to the provisions of the Securities Act, R.S.B.C. 1979, c. 380 (the "old Act"); and
during the material period the Respondent traded in the securities of the Company without being registered contrary to the provisions of the old Act.
2. The Respondent hereby consents to an order of the Superintendent pursuant to section 145 and 145.1 of the Act in the form of order attached hereto (the "Order").

3. The Respondent waives his right to a hearing and review by the British Columbia Securities Commission pursuant to section 147 of the Act with respect to the Order.

Deputy Superintendent,
Compliance and Enforcement

*  *  *  *  *
IN THE MATTER OF the Securities Act,
1979, R.S.B.C., c. 380
AND IN THE MATTER OF the Securities Act
S.B.C. 1985, c. 83, as amended
AND IN THE MATTER OF Hews Development Corporation,
William Neil Smith, Carol Ann Smith, Aaron David Davidson,
and William Alfred Price
Agreed Statement of Facts By
William Neil Smith

   The following agreement has been reached between William Neil Smith (the "Respondent") and the Superintendent of Brokers (the "Superintendent"):

1. As the basis for orders made pursuant to sections 145 and 145.1 of the Securities Act S.B.C. 1985 c. 83 as amended (the "Act") withdrawing the statutory exemptions of the Respondent and prohibiting the Respondent from becoming or acting as director of any reporting issuer, the Respondent acknowledges the following facts as correct:

during the period of August 1986 to March 1987 (the material period), the Respondent distributed the securities of Hews Development Corporation (the "Company") contrary to the provisions of the Securities Act, R.S.B.C. 1979, c. 380 (the "old Act"); and
during the material period the Respondent traded in the securities of the Company without being registered contrary to the provisions of the old Act.
2. The Respondent hereby consents to an order of the Superintendent pursuant to section 145 and 145.1 of the Act in the form of order attached hereto (the "Order").

3. The Respondent waives his right to a hearing and review by the British Columbia Securities Commission pursuant to section 147 of the Act with respect to the Order.

Deputy Superintendent,
Compliance and Enforcement