
Geoffrey Christopher Perrin [Agreed Stmt]

Document Type:
Agreed Stmt
Published Date:
Effective Date:

IN THE MATTER OF The Securities Act, S.B.C. 1985, c. 83
AND IN THE MATTER OF Geoffrey Christopher Perrin
Agreed Statement of Facts and Undertaking
P.C. Bourque
April 1, 1997

      AGREED STATEMENT OF FACTS AND UNDERTAKING:-- The following agreement has been reached between Geoffrey Christopher Perrin ("Perrin") and the Executive Director:

As the basis for the undertakings referred to in paragraph 3 of this agreement, Perrin acknowledges the following facts as correct:
Perrin has never been registered pursuant to section 20 of the Securities Act, S.B.C. 1985, c. 83 (the "Act");
Perrin was licensed as a Level II life insurance agent under the Insurance Act with Metropolitan Life Insurance Company ("Metlife") from September 19, 1993 to August 23, 1996;
At various times in 1995 and 1996, while Perrin was licensed with Metlife, he met with at least eight of his insurance clients (the "Clients") to discuss investments in mutual fund securities;
At various times in 1995 and 1996, Perrin was present when the Clients  signed investment applications for purchases of mutual fund securities which listed the name of another person, who was registered under the Act as a mutual fund salesperson, as the sales representative; and
Perrin engaged in activities which could be construed as acting as an adviser, with respect to the purchases of mutual fund securities, without registration, contrary to section 20 of the Act.
Perrin has co-operated fully with staff of the British Columbia Securities Commission (the "Commission").
Perrin undertakes and agrees to:
be subject to strict supervision for a six month period by any registrant with whom he becomes employed, commencing on the date of his registration under the Act;
pay the sum of $1,000 to the order of the Commission upon the execution of this agreement; and
comply fully with the Act, the Securities Rules, B.C. 479/95 and all applicable regulations.
Perrin waives any right he may have, under the Act or otherwise, to a hearing, hearing and review, judicial review or appeal related to, in connection with or incidental to the agreement and any related orders.
DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia, on March 27, 1997.
Witness Signature)
 Banny L. Hu)
Witness Name (Please print))
 1030 - 4720 Kingsway)
 Burnaby, B.C.   V5H 4N2 )
Address)Geoffrey Christopher Perrin
 Financial Planner)
Executive Director