
High Profit Investment Ltd., Martin Butcher, Fortune Investment Group and Robert Meeker [Order]

2011 BCSECCOM 570
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2011 BCSECCOM 570

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2011 BCSECCOM 570

High Profit Investment Ltd., Martin Butcher, Fortune Investment Group and Robert Meeker

Section 161 of the Securities Act, RSBC 1996, c. 418


¶ 1 At a hearing on December 22, 2011, the executive director applied for orders against High Profit Investment Ltd., Martin Butcher, Fortune Investment Group and Robert Meeker under section 161(1) of the Securities Act,RSBC 1996, c. 418.

¶ 2 Considering it to be in the public interest, we order:

      1. under section 161(1)(b) of the Act, that

          (a) High Profit, Butcher, Fortune Investment and Meeker permanently cease trading in securities;

          (b) all persons permanently cease trading in securities of High Profit and Fortune Investment; and

      2. under section 161(1)(d)(v), that High Profit, Butcher, Fortune Investment and Meeker are permanently prohibited from engaging in investor relations activities.

¶ 3 December 22, 2011

¶ 4 For the Commission

Brent W. Aitken
Vice Chair

Kenneth G. Hanna

Don Rowlatt