
Greenwell Resources Corporation, et al. [Sec. 154.2]

Document Type:
Sec. 154.2
Published Date:
Effective Date:

Greenwell Resources Corp. (Re)
IN THE MATTER OF the Securities Act, S.B.C. 1985, c. 83
AND IN THE MATTER OF Greenwell Resources Corporation
AND IN THE MATTER OF Harold Dale Baker and Thomas
Rodney Irving
Order under Section 154.2
D.M. Hyndman, E.L. Lien, J.P.H. McCall
March 13, 1990

ORDER:-- WHEREAS on June 19, 1989, following a hearing, the British Columbia Securities Commission (the "Commission") issued its decision in the matter of Greenwell Resources Corporation and Harold Dale Baker ("Baker") and Thomas Rodney Irving ("Irving") and ordered, under section 154.2 of the Securities Act (the "Act"), that Baker and Irving pay prescribed fees or charges for the costs of or related to the hearing, the amounts to be determined following further submissions by the parties to be made within 30 days of the date of its decision;

AND WHEREAS under section 153 of the Act, the Commission issued an order varying its decision by removing the requirement that the submissions by the parties be made within 30 days of the date of its decision;

AND WHEREAS the Commission has received and reviewed submissions from counsel for the Superintendent of Brokers and counsel for Irving including the account dated August 30, 1989, submitted by counsel for the Superintendent of Brokers in the amount of $11,047.75;

AND WHEREAS the Commission has decided that the costs set out in the account, except legal costs in the amount of $6,727.50, are prescribed fees and charges under section 154.2 of the Act and item 33 of section 183(1) of the Securities Regulation, B.C. Reg 270/86;

IT IS ORDERED under section 154.2 of the Act, that Baker and Irving pay prescribed fees and charges in the amount of $4,320 for the costs of or related to the hearing as follows:

Baker $2,160
Irving $2,160.