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Weekly Reports

Updates for the week ending June 25, 2004

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Policies & Instruments

The Commission is publishing for comment the proposed rules and other instruments that are necessary to implement the new legislation. These documents will replace the current Securities Rules, the Registration Transfer Rule, BCI 45-501 Mortgages, BCI 45-502 Cooperative Associations and National Instrument 81-105 Mutual Fund Sales Practices. All comments received by August 23, 2004 will be considered.

BC Notice 2004/32 - Publication for Comment of Forms and Guides Related to the New Securities Act
  • 31-901F - Application for Registration as a Dealer or Adviser
  • 31-902F - Personal Information Form
  • 41-901F - Prospectus / Annual Information Form (and Instructions)
  • 44-901F - Notice by Canadian Reporting Issuer to Become a Public Issuer/Mutual Fund
  • 45-907F - Offering Memorandum (and Instructions)
  • 45-908F - Risk Acknowledgement - Non Public Issuers
  • 45-909F - Risk Acknowledgement - Public Issuers
  • 45-910F - Report of Exempt Offering
  • 45-911F  - Report of Section 18(3) Offering by Public Issuer
  • 51-905F - Prospectus / Annual Information Form (and Instructions)
  • 51-906F - Notice of Change of Status
  • 51-907F - Notice of Change in Year-End
  • 52-901F - Management's Discussion & Analysis (and Instructions)
  • 54-902F - Information Circular (and Instructions)
  • 62-502F1 - Takeover Bid Circular
  • 62-502F2 - Issuer Bid Circular
  • 62-502F3 - Directors' Circular
  • 62-502F4 - Director's or Officer's Circular
  • 62-502F5 - Notice of Intention to Make an Issuer Bid
  • 71-502F1 - Foreign Dealers and Advisers - Risk Warning
  • 71-502F2 - Notice by Exempt Foreign Issuer - Offering
  • 71-502F3 - Notice by Foreign Issuer - Continuous Disclosure
  • 71-502F4 - Notice by Person Making Takeover Bid for Foreign Issuer
  • 71-502F5 - Notice by Person Soliciting Proxies from Securityholders of Foreign Issuer
  • 71-502F6 - Foreign Mutual Funds - Risk Warning
  • 71-502F7 - Notice by Foreign Issuer of Intention to Rely on BC Instrument 71-502
  • 71-502F8 - Notice of Change of Status - Foreign Issuers
  • 81-509F - Report of Exempt Offering of Pooled Fund(s)
  • 81-904F - Notice by Canadian Reporting Issuer to Become a Public Issuer/Mutual Fund

The Commission is publishing for comment proposed Forms that we intend to specify, where the Act or Rules contemplate the use of a Form. We are also publishing for comment two guides, one for issuers and one for dealers and advisers. These are written in plain language and are intended to help market participants to understand and comply with the new legislation. All comments received by August 23, 2004 will be considered.

News & Events

Decisions, Settlements, Hearings, and Temporary Orders

Cease Trade Orders & Revocations

Search for cease trade orders and revocations using Market Regulation Services National CTO database

Some discretionary and MRRS orders are located in the Temporary Orders section of Decisions & Orders

Exemptions and MRRS Orders