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Notice of BCSC non-objection to proposed housekeeping amendments to the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) Mutual Fund Dealer Form 1, Audit Reports and Part II – Report on compliance for insurance and segregation of cash and securities

Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) - Rules Bulletin - Housekeeping amendments to Mutual Fund Dealer Form 1, Audit Reports and Part II – Report on compliance for insurance and segregation of cash and securities 
Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) - Board Resolution - Housekeeping amendments to Mutual Fund Dealer Form 1, Audit Reports and Part II – Report on compliance for insurance and segregation of cash and securities
Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) - Housekeeping amendments to Mutual Fund Dealer Form 1, Audit Reports and Part II Report on compliance for insurance and segregation of cash and securities - Clean 
Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) - Housekeeping amendments to Mutual Fund Dealer Form 1, Audit Reports and Part II Report on compliance for insurance and segregation of cash and securities - Blackline 

This Notice announces the BCSC’s deemed non-objection to housekeeping amendments to Mutual Fund Dealer Form 1, Audit Reports and Part II – Report on compliance for insurance and segregation of cash and securities (Part II – Report on Compliance). These amendments are to update the current name of CIRO, the Canadian Investor Protection Fund, and to conform with the current auditing standards of Canadian Standard on Related Services 4400.

Published: October 26, 2023.