If you have an investment-related complaint or concern, the BC Securities Commission (BCSC) can help. We offer two ways to report to us.
Reporting a Complaint
You should file a complaint if you want to report misconduct related to market participants – public companies, investment advisors and investment firms. You can also let us know if you think a company or individual is illegally offering investments or investment advice.
Filing a Whistleblower Tip
A whistleblower is someone who provides information that meaningfully contributes to a BCSC investigation of fraud or serious misconduct. Whistleblowers are eligible to receive a financial award of $1,000 to $500,000.
Make a Complaint
Use our online form to file a complaint. If you need assistance our BCSC Contact Centre is here to help.
Whistleblower Tips
Use our secure website to file a whistleblower tip. If you need assistance call 1-866-227-2847.