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Registrant Outreach Program

The BC Securities Commission's Registrant Outreach program seeks to improve compliance by fostering communication between BCSC compliance staff and those responsible for compliance, especially chief compliance officers (CCOs), at registered portfolio managers, scholarship plan dealers, restricted dealers, investment fund managers and exempt market dealers.

Please contact the Registrant Outreach program at with any compliance questions or concerns you have regarding any industry or individual practice. You may request anonymity when speaking with the staff.

Registrant Outreach Workshops

The BCSC holds workshops for registrants semi-annually. These workshops cover various topics applicable to our registrants and some workshops involve panel discussions among BCSC staff and compliance personnel in the BCSC's Capital Markets Regulation division.

The workshop is open to the executive management and compliance staff of our registrants and is available via live audio webcast. In-person and online attendees can ask questions, which the panel members or presenters will attempt to address. We invite all interested parties to co-present topics at our workshops.

Please contact us at if you are interested in speaking at a future workshop or have suggestions for panel discussions.

For more information about the upcoming workshops, please visit our Events Section.