Using Plain Language
The BC Securities Commission uses plain language principles when writing our documents, including local orders and decision documents. We also encourage you to use plain language in your applications, including draft orders or decisions.
If you are interested in learning more about plain language, you may find the following list of resources helpful. (This list is not exhaustive. Consult with your library staff or law library for additional resources.)
Plain Language Books
A Plain Language Handbook for Legal Writers
Christine Mowat
This book is for lawyers, law faculty, and law students who wish to learn how to write legal documents in a clear and straightforward style. It includes theory, practice, models and resources.
Plain Language for Lawyers
Michele Asprey
This is a practical guide to legal communication and understanding. It provides tips on the different approaches to drafting documents like letters of advice, loan and security documents, leases and legislation.
A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage
Bryan Garner
This resource gives authoritative guidance on correcting grammatical errors, framing legal issues, distinguishing between similar but distinct legal terms. It also explains what legalese is, how it can be simplified, and how far legal writers can go in simplifying it.