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Securities Law

BCN 2001/50 - Adoption of BC Policy 13-601 Required Forms [BCN - Rescinded]

Published Date: 2001-06-28
Effective Date: 2001-06-30
Related Document(s):

The Executive Director is adopting BC Policy 13-601 entitled “Required Forms”, effective June 30, 2001.

Specification of BC Forms

Under section 182 the Securities Act, the Executive Director can require individuals and firms to use particular forms under certain circumstances. The Executive Director does this by specifying the form to be used.

In the past, the Executive Director issued notices each year specifying all required forms at the date of that notice (see NIN 2000/29).  The Executive Director will no longer specify forms each year. Instead, he is adopting BC Policy 13-601, which includes an Index of BC Forms. This Policy will be amended when necessary to reflect changes.

Forms no longer specified by the Executive Director

The Index of BC Forms does not include the following forms: Form 4A - draft, Form 16, Form 53, and Form 57 - draft. The reasons for not including these forms follow.

Form 4A - draft

The Index does not include Form 4A - draft, Abbreviated Application For Registration / Approval - Mutual Fund Salesman Of Financial Institution, because it is no longer in use.

Form 16

The Index does not include Form 16, Escrow Agreement, because the performance shares contemplated in that form are no longer permitted. BC Form 46-901F is the current form of escrow agreement and will be replaced shortly with a national form of escrow agreement.

Form 53

The Index does not include a form of Trust Agreement for the contingency trust fund referred to in section 23(1)(b) of the Securities Rules. The Executive Director had previously specified Form 53 as the form of Trust Agreement.

Although the Index does not include a form of Trust Agreement for the contingency trust fund, section 23 of the Rules still requires dealers, except security issuers and scholarship plan dealers, to participate in and contribute to a compensation fund or contingency trust fund. Persons requiring further information about contingency trust fund arrangements should consult BC Policy 31-601, Registration Requirements, and should contact the trustee, The Canada Trust Company, for the form of the agreement.

Form 57

The Index does not include Form 57 - draft Information Statement - Mortgages. Under Commission Rule 45-501, the form of investor disclosure under the Mortgage Brokers Act replaces this form.

June 27, 2001



Steve Wilson
Executive Director

Ref: BCP 31-601
 Commission Rule 45-501
 Form 4A - draft
 Form 16
 Form 46-901F
 Form 53
 Form 57 - draft
 Securities Act, s. 182
 Securities Rules section 23(1)(b)

This Notice may refer to other documents. These documents can be found at the B.C. Securities Commission public website at in the Commission Documents database or the Historical Documents database.