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Securities Law

13-101 - Amendment to National Instrument 13-101 System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) [NI Amendment Proposed - Lapsed]

Published Date: 2002-09-20

Concurrently Published:


1.1 Amendments
(1) National Instrument 13-101 System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) is amended by this Instrument.

(2) Appendix A is amended by
(a) the deletion of the following item from part I B. and part II B.(a):
“8. Annual Filing of a Reporting Issuer BC, Alta, Sask, Ont
(Form 28 - British Columbia, Alberta, and NS
Ontario, Nova Scotia and Form 26 -
and the substitution of the following to part I B. and part II B.(a):
“8(a). Annual Management Report of Fund Performance
8(b). Quarterly Management Report of Fund Performance”; and
(b) the addition of the following to part I B.:
“14. Report of Management Company - BC, Alta, Sask, Ont, NS
Transactions with related persons and Nfld
or companies
(Form 81-903F - British Columbia,
Form 38 - Alberta and Ontario,
Form 36 - Saskatchewan,
Form 39 - Nova Scotia, and
Form 37 - Newfoundland)”.


2.1 Effective Date

This Instrument comes into force on the date that National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure comes into force.