NIN 2000/48 - Streamlining - Elimination of Notices and Interpretation Notes [NIN - Rescinded]
Published Date: | 2000-10-26 |
Effective Date: | 2000-10-26 |
As indicated in NIN#2000/41, the Commission has an objective in its strategic plan to review existing instruments to see if their continued existence is justified. The Commission established a process to meet this objective and, as a first step in that process, issued NIN#2000/41, which eliminated 70 NINs at the end of September. We are now eliminating another 29. As indicated in NIN 2000/41, most of the NINs being eliminated are no longer applicable. Some refer to matters that are not now topical. In the latter case, the elimination of the NIN does not necessarily mean that the Commission has changed its view on the matter, only that it is not of sufficient current interest to warrant Commission comment.
All documents listed in the Appendix will continue to be available in the Historical Documents Database at the Commission's website.
NINs now expire automatically as follows. First, NINs that request comments on other documents will generally be eliminated one month after the expiry of the comment period. Second, NINs that announce new rules, orders or policies, or changes to them, will be eliminated three months from the relevant effective date. (Although the NINs expire, the documents they describe will remain on our website in the Commission Documents Database section.) As a result of this process, another 8 NINs were eliminated this month in addition to those listed in Appendix A.
The review process continues and will result in more notices of this nature dealing with the remaining NINs, Blanket Orders, and Local Policy Statements. We are also working with the other members of the Canadian Securities Administrators to identify and eliminate outdated or unnecessary CSA Notices and other national documents.
DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia, on October 26, 2000.
Brent W. Aitken
Commissioner Ref: See Appendix A for relevant NINs
This NIN refers to other documents. These documents can be found at the B.C. Securities Commission public website at in the Commission Documents Database or Historical Documents Database.
Appendix A
Notices and Interpretation Notes
to be eliminated effective October 31, 2000
Notices and Interpretation Notes
to be eliminated effective October 31, 2000
NIN #Description
NIN#88/11 The Effect of Criminal and Civil Litigation on Trading Rights and Registration
NIN#96/32 Application of Sections 2(5), 2(6) and 2(7) of Securities Rules to the Multijurisdictional Disclosure System
NIN#97/17 Settlements with the British Columbia Securities Commission
NIN#98/23 Disclosure Obligations and Insider Trading Prohibitions in the Context of Material Facts and Material Changes
NIN#98/55 International Associates of the Vancouver Stock Exchange
NIN#99/8 Concept Paper on A Framework for Market Regulation in Canada
NIN#99/14 Short Form Offerings for Qualifying Issuers
NIN#99/18 Revamping the Exempt Market - Proposals of Staff of the Ontario Securities Commission
NIN#99/20 Streamlining Initiative to Reduce Regulatory Burdens Request for Input
NIN#99/21 Short Form Offerings of Listed Securities and Units by Qualifying Issuers
NIN#99/27 Amendments to the Securities Act
NIN#99/36 CICA Assurance Standards Board "Auditor Assistance to Underwriters and Others" - Exposure Draft, September 1999
NIN#99/43 Proposed Rescission of National Policy 30 - Processing of "Seasoned Prospectuses"
NIN#99/44 Over-the-Counter Derivatives
NIN#99/45 The Canadian Venture Exchange - Recognition and Related Instruments
NIN#99/46 Publication for Comment of Proposed Multilateral Instrument 33-107 - Proficiency Requirements for Registrants Holding Themselves Out as Providing Financial Planning Advice
NIN#99/50 SEDAR Filings and Year 2000 Contingency Plans
NIN#99/55 Blanket Order 51-501 (BC) Transitional Orders Relating to Former Alberta and Vancouver Stock Exchange Issuers
NIN#2000/5 Cold Calling by Members of Self Regulatory Bodies
NIN#2000/6 Trust Account Requirements
NIN#2000/7 Management Expense Ratio Calculations for Mutual Funds
NIN#2000/13 First Renewal Prospectuses Filed by Mutual Funds under National Instrument 81-101 Mutual Fund Prospectus Disclosure
NIN#2000/14 Revocation and Replacement of Blanket Orders Issued in connection with the Commodity Contract Act
NIN#2000/17 Financial Institutions Act - Mutual Fund Trustee Exemption
NIN#2000/26 Amendments to Form 1 - Summons to Attend Before an Investigator Under Section 144
NIN#2000/30 Revised Indices of Commission Rules and Other Policy Documents
NIN#2000/33 Republication for Comment of Proposed National Instrument 21-101 and Proposed National Instrument 23-101 and Related Documents Marketplace Operation Rule and Trading Rules
NIN#2000/34 Report on Mutual Fund Governance
NIN#2000/35 Insider Reporting Guide