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Securities Law

NIN 95/41 - Rules & Table of Concordance [NIN - Rescinded]

Published Date: 1995-11-24
Effective Date: 1996-01-01

The Rules will be brought into force, effective January 1, 1996, by B.C. Reg. 479/95. A copy of B.C. Reg. 479/95, the Rules and explanatory notes are attached to this Notice. A table of concordance is also attached to assist readers to reconcile the existing Regulation and Registration Transfer Regulation to the new Regulation, Rules and Registration Transfer Rules.

The Rules implement significant changes related to the coming into force of one remaining section of the Securities Amendment Act, 1989, large portions of the Securities Amendment Act, 1990, a few remaining sections of the Securities Amendment Act, 1992 and virtually all of the Securities Amendment Act (No. 2), 1995. As a result of the rule-making provisions in the Securities Amendment Act (No. 2), 1995, the majority of the substantive provisions in the existing Regulation will be moved to the Rules.

The amendments to the existing Regulation include:

  • incorporating the regulation of trading in exchange contracts (presently regulated under the Commodity Contract Act) 
  •  updating the financial reporting requirements 
  •  clarifying and tightening a number of exemptions 
  •  a large number of technical amendments

Comments received

The Commission first published proposed amendments to the Regulation for comment in a Special Supplement to the Weekly Summary on October 7, 1994. The Commission received over 60 comments on the proposed amendments.

Amendments that were proposed but are not being proceeded with

In light of comments received and further analysis, a number of the proposed amendments are not included in the Rules.

Increasing the specified amount for private placement exemption

The Commission had proposed increasing the prescribed amount from $97,000 to $150,000 for offerings under sections 31(2)(5) and 55(2)(4) of the Act. This amendment would have brought British Columbia in line with Ontario and Quebec and would have attempted to address concerns raised in the Ombudsman's 1991 report on "The Sale of Promissory Notes in British Columbia by the Principal Group Ltd." about the use of these exemptions to sell risky securities to unsophisticated individuals.

Because most other Canadian jurisdictions, including Alberta, exempt private placement transactions with a minimum purchase price of $97,000, because British Columbia's market is closer and more similar to Alberta's than to Ontario's or Quebec's and because it is unlikely that increasing the threshold would provide any meaningful increase in investor protection, the prescribed amounts for offerings under sections 31(2)(5) and 55(2)(4) of the Act remain unchanged at $97,000 (sections 90 and 129). In order to address concerns raised by the Ombudsman and to ensure that individual purchasers are aware of their limited rights, individual purchasers of offerings made under sections 31(2)(5) and 55(2)(4) of the Act must sign an acknowledgement (new Form 20A) that they have more limited rights of recourse than if they had bought securities under a prospectus (sections 91 and 130). The Commission will provide relief to allow issuers across Canada time to adjust to this new requirement (see Transition below).

Repeal of friends and relatives exemption

Sections 76(f) and 117(i) of the Regulation currently provide an exemption from the registration and prospectus requirements of the Act for trades in securities to friends and relatives of directors and officers of exchange issuers. This exemption is unique to the British Columbia capital markets. The Commission had originally proposed repealing this exemption to address concerns that some issuers use the exemption to favour certain purchasers to the detriment of other security holders.

Because of the impact on junior issuers financing ongoing operations and on market competitiveness and given that concerns about use of the exemption can be dealt with in other ways, the "friends and relatives exemption" is being retained (sections 89(g) and 128(h)), although it will be a condition of the exemption that the purchaser sign an acknowledgement in Form 20A . The Commission is also revising, and will publish prior to January 1, 1996, Interim Local Policy Statement 3-24 - Statutory and Discretionary Exemptions, which will indicate the Commission's views on the use of this and other exemptions.

Trading restrictions for insiders and persons engaged in investor relations activities

The Government announced as part of its response to the Matkin Report that, subject to further consultation, the Regulation would be amended to impose new restrictions on trades made by a person engaging in investor relations activities or by an insider who knew that the person was engaging in investor relations activities.

Because the proposed section would have seriously affected normal trading activity that causes no regulatory concerns and would have had a significant unintended impact on major national issuers, and because problematic activities frequently involve breaches of other sections of the legislation, such as section 20 of the Act (requirement to register if acting as an adviser) and section 35 (which now applies to investor relations activities), section 134.2 of the proposed Regulation published in October 1994 is not being proceeded with. The Commission intends to publish further Interpretation Notes concerning advising and investor relations activities.

New unsolicited trade registration exemption

The Commission had proposed adding a new exemption from registration for trades made by a person placing an unsolicited order with a dealer outside British Columbia.

The section was perceived by commenters to be confusing and did not address how a foreign dealer would thereafter provide service to the originally unsolicited client in British Columbia. As a result, section 76(h) of the proposed Regulation published in October 1994 is not being proceeded with. The Commission will be continuing its review, in conjunction with the North American Securities Administrators Association, of ways to deal effectively with cross-border trading activity.

Notice by control person when pledging securities

The Commission had proposed requiring that a notice be filed whenever a control person pledges securities for the purpose of giving collateral for debt.

This proposal raised a number of concerns. Because this additional filing requirement would have a significant adverse impact on a large number of control persons who pledge securities for legitimate reasons, including control persons of many major national issuers, and would be unique to British Columbia, section 130(1) of the proposed Regulation published in October 1994 is not being proceeded with.

Proposed amendments being proceeded with despite negative comment

Certain amendments are being proceeded with despite negative comment.

Separate registration for underwriters

The Government had proposed, as part of its response to the Matkin Report, that separate registration for underwriters be required and be carried out by the self regulatory organizations under the oversight of the Commission. Underwriters objected to British Columbia, unlike other Canadian jurisdictions, requiring separate registration for underwriters. They also objected to the proposed requirement to establish and apply written prudent business procedures and other safeguards for underwriting securities.

The deemed registration of brokers, investment dealers and securities dealers as underwriters in existing section 13.1 of the Regulation is not being continued in the Rules. Underwriters will now be required to be members of a self-regulatory organization in Canada (section 7). Appropriate qualifications for underwriters are being developed and will be included in Local Policy Statement #3-22, which the Commission will publish prior to January 1, 1996. Underwriters will be required to establish and apply written prudent business procedures and other safeguards for underwriting securities (section 45). However, an underwriter will be exempt from that requirement if it complies with procedures and safeguards established by the self regulatory organizations and not objected to by the Commission (section 46 of the Rules). The Commission will be providing transitional relief to allow time for brokers and investment dealers that are currently deemed to be registered as underwriters to obtain separate registration as underwriters and to develop written procedures (see Transition below).

Clarification of "know your client and suitability" obligations

The Commission had proposed that where a registrant considers that a proposed purchase or sale is not suitable for a client, the registrant must take reasonable steps to advise the client before executing the trade.

The proposal generated many comments, particularly from the discount brokerage community, who felt that the enhanced "know your client and suitability" obligations did not reflect their business practices. The amendment is, however, a logical and reasonable extension of the duties of registrants to their clients under the existing system, which does not expressly recognize reduced duties for discount brokers, and is reflected in section 48(2) of the Rules. The Commission, along with other Canadian jurisdictions, is considering whether alternative rules should be developed for discount brokers generally.

Removal of exemption for sales of a control person's securities without notice

The Government announced, as part of its response to the Matkin Report, that the exemption in section 117(e) of the Regulation for sales by a control person of securities of an exchange issuer, without notice, would be repealed.

The proposed repeal of this exemption generated many comments, virtually all negative. The comments focused on the use of the exemption for market making.

The Rules do not contain an exemption for control persons of exchange issuers similar to section 117(e) of the Regulation. To alleviate some of the concerns with repealing the exemption, the Commission indicated that it would consider an alternative exemption that would address the concerns about the abuses of the exemption and provide a more acceptable mechanism for market making. The Vancouver Stock Exchange recently made a specific proposal for such an exemption. The Commission intends to provide blanket relief, on a trial basis, from the prospectus requirements of the Act for control persons of exchange issuers, provided that the control person:

· trades a limited number of securities (to be specified) in each calendar quarter
· trades through a single disclosed market making account, established in accordance with the provisions of VSE Rule C.4.00 and operated in compliance with VSE Listings Policy 8
· makes appropriate arrangements to ensure compliance with the insider trading provisions of the legislation

Hold periods on exemptions used by exchange issuers

The Commission proposed imposing a one year hold period on securities issued by exchange issuers under a number of exemptions (securities for mining property, securities for debt, securities to registrants, securities as bonus or finder's fee).

This proposal generated many comments, virtually all negative. Because other Canadian jurisdictions have hold periods under equivalent exemptions, past abuse of these exemptions, and inequities between purchasers of securities under different exemptions, the Rules contain hold periods for securities of exchange issuers issued under these four exemptions. The Commission will be providing transitional relief for transactions that are in progress (see Transition below).

Proposed Amendments that are Being Modified

In light of comments received and further analysis, the Rules contain a number of modifications to the proposals that the Commission had published for comment in October 1994.

New definition of sophisticated purchaser and new prospectus exemption

The Commission had proposed imposing a minimum level of net worth or income as part of the definition of sophisticated purchaser. The proposed definition of sophisticated purchaser had excluded corporations, partnerships and trusts.

This proposal generated a reasonable degree of support for the principle of the bright line test. Many commenters, however, disagreed with the specific thresholds proposed and sought the inclusion of corporations, partnerships and trusts. In addition, many commenters felt that a bright line test would have a major impact on small companies seeking to raise capital and pointed out that most problems had arisen from sales by unregistered or inappropriately qualified people.

The Rules include modified net worth and net income thresholds as part of the definition of "sophisticated purchaser" and include as sophisticated purchasers certain corporations, partnerships and trusts (section 1). The Rules also contain a new prospectus only exemption for purchases of securities worth at least $25,000 made through a registered dealer qualified to trade or advise in the securities being offered (section 128(c)). The revised Form 20A will apply to this exemption. The Commission will be providing transitional relief for transactions that are in progress (see Transition below).

Financial reporting by foreign issuers

The Commission had proposed requiring the superintendent's consent for a foreign issuer (other than a U.S. issuer) to prepare financial statements in accordance with foreign generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") or generally accepted auditing standards ("GAAS"). The Commission had also proposed requiring foreign issuers to reconcile, to Canadian GAAP or GAAS, the GAAP or GAAS of their home jurisdiction for all financial statements. The requirements relating to consent to use of foreign GAAP and relating to reconciliation of foreign GAAP currently only apply to financial statements included in a prospectus.

The Rules include the requirement for consent of the Executive Director for a foreign issuer (other than a U.S. issuer) to use foreign GAAP or GAAS in all financial statements (section 2(4)). The Rules also include the requirement for all foreign issuers to include GAAP reconciliation (section 2(5)) and GAAS reconciliation (section 2(6)).

The Rules also include provisions relating to public accountant's reports. Therefore, the Rules require reconciliation by foreign issuers of any significant differences between the procedures used in preparing a public accountant's report and those procedures required to prepare a review engagement report (section 2(7)). All of these requirements apply to all financial statements required to be filed, including continuous disclosure filings as well as prospectus filings. The Commission will be providing transitional relief for these new requirements.

Restrictions on use of terms "securities adviser" or "investment adviser"

The Commission had proposed prohibiting registrants from calling themselves advisers unless they were properly registered as advisers. Commenters expressed concerns about the scope of the prohibition and its effect on certain industry initiatives.

The Rules preclude the inappropriate use of "portfolio manager", "investment counsel", "securities adviser", "investment adviser" or related terms by any person, and establish a specific new category of registration called "investment adviser". This new category is available only to salespersons of SRO dealers who meet approved qualification requirements (section 11).

Increase in capital requirements for dealers and advisers that do not hold client funds or securities

The Commission had proposed a significant increase in the capital requirements for mutual fund dealers (from $25,000 to $75,000), for securities dealers (from $50,000 to $100,000), for exchange contract dealers (from $75,000 to $100,000) and for portfolio managers and investment counsel (from $5,000 to $25,000). Many registrants that do not hold client funds or securities (e.g., investment counsel, some mutual fund dealers and exchange contract dealers) commented that the increase in capital was not justified and did not reflect levels of risk run by different types of dealers and advisers.

The Rules include the increased capital requirements (sections 19(2) and (3) and 20(1)). However, because of the lower level of risks where dealers do not hold client assets, the Rules provide lower capital levels for those registrants that do not hold client funds or securities and are recognized by the Executive Director (sections 19(4) and (5) and 20(1)). To provide further client protection, the Rules prohibit these registrants from holding client funds or securities (section 24). The Regulation makes a breach of this prohibition an offence (section 13 of the Regulation). The Commission will be providing transitional relief to allow dealers and advisers that do hold client assets to acquire additional capital and to allow those that do not hold client assets time to seek recognition by the Executive Director (see Transition below).

Referral fees and commission splitting

The Regulation does not currently have any provisions dealing with referral fees and commission splitting. The Commission had proposed prohibiting a dealer from paying any revenues to a person other than another dealer.

Commenters noted that the proposal did not recognize business reality in that it would prohibit a number of benign practices, such as payments of legitimate referral fees and payments to a foreign firm to put a trade through a foreign exchange.

In light of the concerns expressed, the Rules require registrants to disclose referral fees and commission splitting to the client but do not prohibit these payments (section 53).

Residency requirements for registrants

The Commission had proposed codifying existing administrative practice by requiring individual applicants and certain officers and directors of corporate applicants to be resident in British Columbia.

Since the proposals were published, the Canadian Securities Administrators have had several discussions about residency requirements. Other jurisdictions are generally relaxing these requirements in circumstances where alternative arrangements can be made to protect client interests and provide adequate supervision. While the Commission has no immediate plans to change its general administrative practices, in order to retain flexibility to adopt alternative arrangements concurrently with other Canadian jurisdictions, the Rules do not include residency requirements for applicants for registration.

Advance notice for sales by control persons under any exemption

The Commission had proposed requiring control persons to give prior notice of all trades.

Commenters expressed concerns about this provision and argued that, under certain exemptions, the control person does not control the timing of the trade (for example, where the issuer was redeeming all securities that had been issued, including those held by a control person) or there is already notice to the market place (for example, an amalgamation of two companies where an information document is required).

The Rules require advance notice by a control person for specified exemptions where the control person controls the timing of the trade and there is no other notice to the market (section 136). However, control persons will be required to file insider reports within three days after the use of any exemption (section 137), subject to relief being provided in the context of market making by control persons (discussed above). The Commission will provide transitional relief to allow control persons time to develop systems to ensure compliance with the new filing requirements (see Transition below).

Amendments to the proposed hold period for securities issued for mining properties

The Commission had proposed imposing a one year hold period from the date of issue of securities by exchange issuers under section 55(2)(18) of the Act.

Many commenters expressed concerns about this change. A common concern related to a Vancouver Stock Exchange requirement that securities for mining properties be issued in blocks as exploration progresses. The Rules include a 12 month hold period for all distributions under section 55(2)(18). However, for issuers listed solely on the Vancouver Stock Exchange, the hold period will run from the later of the date the Vancouver Stock Exchange approves the acquisition of the property and the date the property is transferred to the issuer (section 142(2)(c)). As indicated above, the Commission will be providing transitional relief (see Transition below).

Specification of required forms

The Superintendent is specifying Form 1A required under section 10(2) of the Regulation and Forms 20A (IP and NIP) required under section 135 of the Rules, and if applicable by an order under section 59 of the Act, in NIN#95/44. Other forms referred to in the Rules are being prepared and will be published prior to January 1, 1996.


The Commission contemplates providing transitional relief in the following areas:

Part 1

  • requirement for executive director's consent to prepare financial statements not in accordance with Canadian or United States GAAP and GAAS (section 2(4)) will apply to continuous disclosure documents where the period end for the financial statements is on or after April 1, 1996
  • GAAP reconciliation for all foreign issuers (section 2(5)) will apply to continuous disclosure documents where the period end for the financial statements is on or after April 1, 1996
  • GAAS reconciliation for all foreign issuers (section 2(6)) will apply to continuous disclosure documents where the period end for the financial statements is on or after April 1, 1996
  • GAAS reconciliation for all foreign issuers (section 2(6)) will apply to financial statements contained in a preliminary prospectus where a receipt for the preliminary prospectus is obtained, or in a take over bid circular that is filed, on or after July 1, 1996
  • reconciliation by all foreign issuers of any significant differences between the procedures used in preparing a public accountant's report and those procedures required to prepare a review engagement report (section 2(7)) will apply to continuous disclosure documents where the period end for the financial statements is on or after April 1, 1996
  • reconciliation by all foreign issuers of any significant differences between the procedures used in preparing a public accountant's report and those procedures required to prepare a review engagement report (section 2(7)) will apply to financial statements contained in a preliminary prospectus where a receipt for the preliminary prospectus is obtained, or in a take over bid circular that is filed, on or after July 1, 1996
  • changes to formatting of financial statements (section 3(10), (11) and (13)) will apply to continuous disclosure documents where the period end for the financial statements is on or after April 1, 1996
  • audit committee review (section 3(12)) will apply to financial statements where the period end is on or after January 1, 1996

Part 4

  • requirement to register separately as an underwriter (repeal of section 13.1 of the existing Regulation) and underwriter's written business procedures (section 45) will apply to registrants on or after the later of April 1, 1996 or the registrant's next renewal date
  • increase in capital requirements (sections 19 and 20) will come into effect on April 1, 1996
  • increase in bonding requirements (section 21) will come into effect on April 1, 1996
  • requirement for exchange contract dealers to become members of the contingency fund (section 23) will come into effect on April 1, 1996
  • requirement to advise client of additional information that must be made available to clients on request (section 50(3)) will come into effect on July 1, 1996
  • branch managers' education requirements (section 60) will come into effect on October 1, 1996

Part 8

  • new definition of "sophisticated purchaser" (section 1) will apply to transactions where a signed agreement has been entered into on or after January 1, 1995, the initial filing for approval, if required, has been made to the relevant exchange on or after February 1, 1996, or the securities are distributed on or after July 1, 1996
  • new hold periods for securities issued by exchange issuers under section 55(2)(18) and (24) of the Act and sections 128(e) and (f) (section 142) will apply to transactions where a signed agreement has been entered into on or after January 1, 1995, the initial filing for approval has been made to the Exchange on or after February 1, 1996, or the securities are distributed on or after July 1, 1996
  • requirement to obtain a Form 20A from individual purchasers under section 55(2)(4) of the Act (sections 91, 130 and 135) will apply where a subscription agreement has been signed on or after April 1, 1996
  • issuers may use either the old or new versions of Form 20A (section 135) until April 1, 1996
  • issuers will not be in default of the new requirement to retain Form 20A (section 135) if they inadvertently file Form 20A before April 1, 1996 
  •  expanded requirement for control persons to file Form 23 (section 136) will apply to trades made on or after April 1, 1996, with the exception of trades made pursuant to section 128(d) (existing sections 117(c) and (d)) 
  • accelerated insider report requirements for control persons (section 137) will apply to trades made on or after April 1, 1996 with the exception of trades made pursuant to section 128(d) (existing sections 117(c) and (d))
  • the Vancouver Stock Exchange seed share resale matrix and the 12 month seasoning will apply to seed shareholders of issuers that obtain a preliminary receipt for a prospectus on or after January 1, 1995

Part 10

  • quarterly reports must be delivered to security holders (section 149) where the period end for the financial statements is on or after January 1, 1996 (BOR#89/2 will be reissued to include relief so that issuers need only deliver quarterly reports to those security holders who are on the supplemental mailing list)

The Commission will issue a Blanket Order sometime before January 1, 1996 to provide the contemplated transitional relief.

DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia on November 23, 1995.

Douglas M. Hyndman

REF: NIN#94/13 NIN#95/42
NIN#95/38 NIN#95/44


Table of Concordance

Regulation, B.C. Reg. 270/86 and
Registration Transfer Regulation, B.C. Reg. 286/86
Regulation, B.C. Reg. 478/95, Rules, B.C. Reg. 479/95
and Registration Transfer Rules, B.C. Reg. 477/95

NOTE: Virtually every provision has been changed, even if only to clarify or modernize the wording. The concordance, however, is intended to be an aid and should not be solely relied upon.

Old InstrumentSectionSubsectionNew InstrumentSectionSubsection
BC Reg 270/86 1all except "spouse" Rule1
BC Reg 270/86 1"Act" onlyRegulation1
BC Reg 270/86 1"spouse"Securities Act1"spouse"
BC Reg 270/86 2 Rule 1"finance issuer"
BC Reg 270/863 Rule2
BC Reg 270/86 4except (6)Rule3
BC Reg 270/86 4(6)repealed
BC Reg 270/865 Rule4
BC Reg 270/86 6 Regulation 2
BC Reg 270/867 Regulation3
BC Reg 270/86 8 Regulation 4
BC Reg 270/869 Regulation5
BC Reg 270/86 10 Regulation 6
BC Reg 270/8611"client's trust account"Rule43"trust account for clients"
BC Reg 270/86 11"free credit balance" Rule57(1)
BC Reg 270/8611definitions of courses and examsLPS#3-22
BC Reg 270/8611"capital"repealed
BC Reg 270/8611"market value"Rule1
BC Reg 270/86 12 Rule 1"market value"
BC Reg 270/86 11"minimum net free capital" Rule5"risk adjusted capital"
BC Reg 270/86 13 Rule 6
BC Reg 270/8613.1 repealed
none Rule7
BC Reg 270/86 14 Rule 8
codifies LPS#3-22 Rule9
codifies LPS#3-22 Rule10
none Rule 11
BC Reg 270/8615 Rule12
none Rule13
none Rule14
BC Reg 270/86 16 repealed
BC Reg 270/86 16.1 Rule 15
Old InstrumentSectionSubsectionNew InstrumentSectionSubsection
BC Reg 270/8617 Rule16
BC Reg 270/8618 Rule17
BC Reg 270/86 19 Rule 18
BC Reg 270/8620 Rule19
BC Reg 270/86 21 Rule 20
BC Reg 270/8622 Rule19(2)
BC Reg 270/8623 Rule21
BC Reg 270/86 24 Rule 22
BC Reg 270/8625except (3)Rule23
none Rule 24
BC Reg 270/8626 Rule25
Commodity Contract Act1 "liquidating trade"Rule26"offsetting transaction"
BC Reg 270/86 27 Rule 27
BC Reg 270/8628 Rule28
BC Reg 270/86 29(1)Rule27(2)
BC Reg 270/8629(2)repealed
BC Reg 270/8630 Rule29
BC Reg 270/86 31 Rule 30
BC Reg 270/8632 Rule31
BC Reg 270/86 33 Rule 32
BC Reg 270/8634 Rule33
BC Reg 270/86 35 Rule 34
none Rule 35
BC Reg 270/8636 Rule39
BC Reg 270/86 37 Rule 40
BC Reg 270/8638 Rule41
BC Reg 270/86 39 Rule 42
none Rule 43"safekeeping agreement"
BC Reg 270/86 40 Rule 44(1)
none Rule44(2), (3), (4)
none Rule45
BC Reg 270/86 41 Rule 46(1)(a)
none Rule46(1)(b), (2)
BC Reg 270/8642 Rule47
BC Reg 270/8643 Rule48
BC Reg 270/86 44 Rule 48(3)
BC Reg 270/8645 Rule48
Commodity Contract Act31(2)Rule49
BC Reg 270/86 46 Rule 44(5)
BC Reg 270/8647(a)repealed
BC Reg 270/8647(b)Rule54
BC Reg 270/86 48 Rule 51
BC Reg 270/8649 Rule52
none Rule53
BC Reg 270/86 51 Rule 55
Old InstrumentSectionSubsectionNew InstrumentSectionSubsection
BC Reg 270/8652 Rule56
BC Reg 270/8653 Rule57(2)
BC Reg 270/8654 Rule58
Commodity Contract Act32(1)Rule59
none Rule60
none Rule61
none Rule62
BC Reg 270/86 55 repealed
BC Reg 270/86 56 repealed
BC Reg 270/86 57 repealed & substituted by:
Securities Act
BC Reg 270/86 58except (6)Rule38
BC Reg 270/86 59 LPS#3-22
BC Reg 270/86 60 LPS#3-22
BC Reg 270/86 61 LPS#3-22
BC Reg 270/86 62 LPS#3-22
BC Reg 270/86 63 repealed & substituted by:
Securities Act
BC Reg 270/86 64 Rule 63
BC Reg 270/8666 Rule64
none Rule65
none Rule66
BC Reg 270/86 67(1)Rule67
BC Reg 270/86 67(2)repealed
BC Reg 270/8668 LPS#3-22
BC Reg 270/8669 Rule68
none Rule69
none Rule70
BC Reg 270/86 70 Rules 69,70
BC Reg 270/8671 Rule71
BC Reg 270/86 72 Rule 72
BC Reg 270/8672.1 repealed
BC Reg 270/8672.2 Rule73
BC Reg 270/8672.3 Rule74
BC Reg 270/86 72.4 repealed & substituted by:
Securities Act
BC Reg 270/8673 Rule86
BC Reg 270/86 74 Rule 86
none Rule 87
BC Reg 270/8675 Rule88
BC Reg 270/8676(a)Rule89(a)
76 (b)Rule89(b)
Old InstrumentSectionSubsectionNew InstrumentSectionSubsection
none Rule89(d)
76 (d)Rule89(e)
76 (e)Rule89(f)
76 (f)Rule89(g)
none Rule89(h)
BC Reg 270/8677except (4)Rule90
none Rule 91
BC Reg 270/8678 repealed
BC Reg 270/8678.1 Rule92
BC Reg 270/8680 Rule36
BC Reg 270/86 81 Rule 37
BC Reg 270/8682 Rule93
BC Reg 270/86 86 Rule 50
BC Reg 270/8687 Rule94
BC Reg 270/86 88 Rule 95
BC Reg 270/8689 Rule96
BC Reg 270/86 90except (3)Rule97
90(3)repealed & substituted by:
Securities Act
BC Reg 270/8691 Rule98
BC Reg 270/86 92 Rule 99
BC Reg 270/8693 Rule100
BC Reg 270/86 94 Rule 101
BC Reg 270/8695 Rule102
BC Reg 270/86 96 Rule 103
BC Reg 270/8697 Rule104
BC Reg 270/86 98 Rule 105
BC Reg 270/8699 Rule106
BC Reg 270/86 100 Rule 107
BC Reg 270/86101 Rule108
BC Reg 270/86 102 Rule 109
BC Reg 270/86103 Rule110
BC Reg 270/86 104(1)Rule112(1)
BC Reg 270/86104(2)repealed
BC Reg 270/86104(3)Rule112(2)
BC Reg 270/86104(4)Rule118
BC Reg 270/86 104(5)Rule112(3)
BC Reg 270/86104(6)repealed & substituted by:
Securities Act
BC Reg 270/86105Rule113
BC Reg 270/86 106 Rule 114
BC Reg 270/86107 Rule2(4), (5)
BC Reg 270/86108 repealed
BC Reg 270/86 109 Rule 115
Old InstrumentSectionSubsectionNew InstrumentSectionSubsection
BC Reg 270/86110 Rule116
BC Reg 270/86111 Rule117
BC Reg 270/86 112 Rule 3(12), (13)
BC Reg 270/86 113except (4)Rule111
BC Reg 270/86 114 Rule 119
BC Reg 270/86115 Rule120
Securities Act 51(2)(a)Rule121
Securities Act 51(4)Rule122
Securities Act 51(4)Rule123
Securities Act 51(7)Rule124
Securities Act 51(5) and (8)Rule125
Securities Act 51(6)Rule126
BC Reg 270/86 116"exchanged security" Rule127"exchanged security"
none Rule127"date of issue", "recognized resale requirements"
BC Reg 270/86117 (a)Rule128(a)
117 (b)Rule128(b)
none Rule128(c)
117 (c), (d)Rule128(d)
117 (e)repealed
117 (g)Rule128(f)
117 (h)Rule128(g)
117 (i)Rule128(h)
none Rule128(i)
BC Reg 270/86118 Rule129
none Rule130
BC Reg 270/86 119 repealed
BC Reg 270/86 119.1 Rule 131
BC Reg 270/86120except (3)Rule132
BC Reg 270/86121 repealed
BC Reg 270/86122 repealed
BC Reg 270/86 123 repealed
BC Reg 270/86 124 repealed
BC Reg 270/86 126 Rule 133(1)
none Rule133(2)
BC Reg 270/86127 Rule134
BC Reg 270/86128 Rule135
BC Reg 270/86 129 Rule 136
BC Reg 270/86130 Rule137(1)
none Rule 137(2)
BC Reg 270/86131 Rule138
BC Reg 270/86132 Rule139
BC Reg 270/86 133(1)Rules140
Old InstrumentSectionSubsectionNew InstrumentSectionSubsection
133 (5)Rule140
BC Reg 270/86134(1)Rule142(1)
134 (2)Rule142(2)
134 (3)Rule143
134 (5)Rule142(4)
134 (6)Rule140(2)
BC Reg 270/86135except (3)Rule144
BC Reg 270/86136except (3) and (5)Rule145(1)
136 (3)Rule146
BC Reg 270/86137 Rule144(6)
BC Reg 270/86138 Rule145(1)
BC Reg 270/86139 Rule147
BC Reg 270/86 140 Rule 148
BC Reg 270/86141 Rule149
BC Reg 270/86 142except (5)Rule150
142(5)repealed & substituted by:
Securities Act
BC Reg 270/86 143 repealed & substituted by:
Securities Act
BC Reg 270/86144 Rule151
BC Reg 270/86 145 Rule 152
BC Reg 270/86146except (2) and (4)Rule153
none Rule 153(4)
BC Reg 270/86147 Rule154
BC Reg 270/86148 (a)Rule155
148(b)Securities Act69.1(a)
BC Reg 270/86149 Rule156
BC Reg 270/86150 Rule157
none Rule158
BC Reg 270/86 151 repealed
BC Reg 270/86 152 Regulation 7
BC Reg 270/86152.1 Rule159
none Rule160
BC Reg 270/86 152.2 repealed & substituted by:
Securities Act
Old InstrumentSectionSubsectionNew InstrumentSectionSubsection
BC Reg 270/86152.3 Rule 161
BC Reg 270/86153 Rule162
BC Reg 270/86 154 Rule 163
BC Reg 270/86155 Rule164
BC Reg 270/86 156 Rule 165
BC Reg 270/86157 Rule166
BC Reg 270/86 158 Rule 167
BC Reg 270/86159 Rule168
BC Reg 270/86 160 Rule 169
BC Reg 270/86161 Rule170
BC Reg 270/86 162 Rule 171
BC Reg 270/86163 Rule172
BC Reg 270/86 163.1 Rule 173
BC Reg 270/86163.2 Rule174
BC Reg 270/86 163.3 Rule 175
BC Reg 270/86163.4 Rule176
BC Reg 270/86 163.5 Rule 177
BC Reg 270/86163.6 Rule178
BC Reg 270/86 163.7 Rule 179
BC Reg 270/86163.8 Rule180
BC Reg 270/86 164 Rule 181
BC Reg 270/86165 Rule182
BC Reg 270/86 166 Rule 183
BC Reg 270/86167 Rule184
BC Reg 270/86 167.1 Rule 75
BC Reg 270/86167.2 Rule76
BC Reg 270/86 167.3 Rule 77
BC Reg 270/86167.4 Rule78
BC Reg 270/86 167.5 Rule 79
BC Reg 270/86167.6 Rule80
BC Reg 270/86 167.7 Rule 81
BC Reg 270/86167.8 Rule82
BC Reg 270/86 167.9 Rule 83
BC Reg 270/86167.10 Rule84
BC Reg 270/86 167.11 Rule85
BC Reg 270/86 167.12 repealed & substituted by:
Securities Act
BC Reg 270/86 167.13 Rule185
BC Reg 270/86 168 Regulation 8
BC Reg 270/86169 Regulation9
BC Reg 270/86 170 Regulation 10(1)
none Regulation10(2)
BC Reg 270/86171 Regulation11
BC Reg 270/86171.1 Regulation12
none Regulation13
BC Reg 270/86 171.2 Rule 186
none Rule 187
BC Reg 270/86172 Regulation14
Old InstrumentSectionSubsectionNew InstrumentSectionSubsection
BC Reg 270/86 173 Regulation 15
BC Reg 270/86175 Regulation16
BC Reg 270/86 176 Regulation 17
BC Reg 270/86177 Regulation18
BC Reg 270/86 178 Regulation 19
BC Reg 270/86179 Regulation20
BC Reg 270/86 180 Regulation 21
BC Reg 270/86181 Rule188
BC Reg 270/86 181.1 repealed
BC Reg 270/86 182 Rule 189
BC Reg 270/86183(1) 1(a)Regulation22(1) 1(a)
183 (1) 1(b)Regulation22(1) 1(b)
183 (1) 2Regulation22(1) 2
183 (1) 3repealed (1) 3
183(1) 4Regulation22(1) 4
183 (1) 5Regulation22(1) 5
none Regulation22(1) 6
183 (1) 6(a)Regulation22(1) 7(a)
183 (1) 6(b)Regulation22(1) 7(b)
183 (1) 7Regulation22(1) 8
183 (1) 8Regulation22(1) 9
183 (1) 9Regulation22(1) 10
183 (1) 10Regulation22(1) 11
none Regulation22(1) 12
183 (1) 11Regulation22(1) 13
183 (1) 12(a)Regulation22(1) 14(a)
183 (1) 12(b)Regulation22(1) 14(b)
none Regulation22(1) 14(c)
183 (1) 13Regulation22(1) 15
183 (1) 14Regulation22(1) 17
183 (1) 15Regulation22(1) 16
183 (1) 16Regulation22(1) 18
183 (1) 17Regulation22(1) 19
183 (1) 18Regulation22(1) 20
183 (1) 19Regulation22(1) 21
(1) 22
183(1) 19.1Regulation22(1) 23
183 (1) 20Regulation22(1) 24
183 (1) 21Regulation22(1) 25
183 (1) 22Regulation22(1) 26
183 (1) 23Regulation22(1) 27
183 (1) 23.1Regulation22(1) 28
183 (1) 24Regulation22(1) 29
183 (1) 25Regulation22(1) 30
183 (1) 26repealed
183 (1) 27(a)Regulation22(1) 31(a)
183 (1) 27(b)Regulation22(1) 31(b)
183 (1) 27(c)Regulation22(1) 31(c)
183 (1) 27(d)repealed
Old InstrumentSectionSubsectionNew InstrumentSectionSubsection
183(1) 27(e)Regulation22(1) 31(d)
183 (1) 28Regulation22(1) 32
183 (1) 29Regulation22(1) 33
183 (1) 30Regulation22(1) 34
183 (1) 31Regulation22(1) 35
none Regulation22(1) 36
183 (1) 32Regulation22(1) 37
183 (1) 33Regulation22(1) 38
183 (1) 34Regulation22(1) 39
183 (1) 34.1Regulation22(1) 40
183 (1) 35Regulation22(1) 41
183 (1) 36Regulation22(1) 42
183 (1) 37Regulation22(1) 43
183 (1) 38Regulation22(1) 44
183 (1) 39Regulation22(1) 45
183 (1) 40Regulation22(1) 46
183 (1.1)Regulation22(2)
none Regulation22(3)
183 (2)Regulation22(4)
183 (3)(a)Regulation22(5)(a)
183 (3)(b)Regulation22(5)(b)
none Regulation22(5)(c)
none Regulation22(5)(d)
183 (4)Regulation22(6)
183 (5)Regulation22(7)
183 (6)Regulation22(8)
BC Reg 270/86184 repealed
BC Reg 270/86185 repealed
BC Reg 270/86186 repealed
BC Reg 270/86187 repealed
BC Reg 270/86 188 repealed
BC Reg 270/86 189 repealed
BC Reg 270/86 190 repealed
Old InstrumentSectionSubsectionNew InstrumentSectionSubsection
BC Reg 286/86 1 Registration Transfer Rules1
BC Reg 286/86 2 Registration Transfer Rules2(1)
none Registration Transfer Rules2(2)
BC Reg 286/863 Registration Transfer Rules3
BC Reg 286/86 4 Registration Transfer Rules6
BC Reg 286/86 5(1)Registration Transfer Rules4(1)
none Registration Transfer Rules4(2)
none Registration Transfer Rules4(3)
none Registration Transfer Rules4(4)
BC Reg 286/865(2)repealed
BC Reg 286/86 5(3)Registration Transfer Rules4(5)
BC Reg 286/866 Registration Transfer Rules 6
BC Reg 286/867 Registration Transfer Rules 7
BC Reg 286/868 Registration Transfer Rules 5
BC Reg 286/869 Registration Transfer Rules 8
BC Reg 286/8610 Registration Transfer Rules 9