NIN 98/59 - CSA Year 2000 Summit [NIN - Rescinded]
Published Date: | 1998-10-02 |
Effective Date: | 1998-10-01 |
The Commission is publishing a letter from David A. Brown, Chair of the Ontario Securities Commission, inviting market participants to attend the Year 2000 Summit sponsored by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA). The Summit will be held in Toronto at the Westin Harbour Castle on October 21, 1998. A copy of the agenda for the Summit is attached.
The Summit is intended to focus the attention of the Canadian securities industry on the steps required to be taken to prepare critical computer systems for the millennium change. Summit participants, including representatives of the CSA, the Canadian stock exchanges, the Investment Dealers Association, the Canadian Depository for Securities, the Investment Funds Institute of Canada and FundServ, will discuss the plans for industry-wide testing in the Canadian securities industry scheduled for June 1999 and a national instrument that requires registered firms to file Year 2000 readiness reports.
The Commission encourages market participants to attend the CSA Year 2000 Summit.
DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia, on October 1, 1998
Douglas M. Hyndman
CSA/ACVM | Canadian Securities Autorités canadiennes Administrators en valeurs mobilières |
October 1, 1998
Dear Colleague:
I am writing to invite you to attend the Canadian Securities Administrators Year 2000 Summit on Wednesday, October 21. The half-day forum has been designed to prepare Canada’s securities industry for the Year 2000. Securities regulators and industry organizations will discuss testing initiatives and a national instrument that requires registrants to file reports on Year 2000 readiness.
The CSA has assumed a leadership role in working with various members of the Canadian subgroup of the G-30 in developing and implementing industry-wide Year 2000 testing planned for June 1999. In addition to the Ontario Securities Commission, several of the securities commissions in Canada including the Commission des valeurs mobilières du Québec, are considering measures to restrict the participation in the securities markets to those market participants who have satisfied testing and contingency planning requirements.
There is no charge to attend this event. To reserve your place, simply return the attached agenda with your business card by facsimile to (416) 593-0249. If you have any questions, please contact CSA Year 2000 Summit registration at (416) 593-7352.
David A. Brown, Q.C.
Ontario Securities Commission
Canadian Securities Administrators
Year 2000 Summit
for Capital Market Participants
OCTOBER 21, 1998
8:30 a.m. 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. 9:30- 10:15 am 10:15 - 10:30 am 10:30 am - 11:45 am 11:45 - 12:15 pm | Registration The Year 2000 and Canada’s Capital Markets: What Market Participants Need To Know David A. Brown, Chair of the OSC, and Jean Martel, Chair of the CVMQ Canadian Securities Administrators Report on the Registrant Rule and Testing Initiatives Chair: Paul Bourque, Ontario Securities Commission Speakers: Stephen Murison, Alberta Securities Commission Louyse Gauvin, British Columbia Securities Commission Jean Lorrain, Commission des valeurs mobilières du Québec Lorie Milone, Ontario Securities Commission Members of the CSA Y2K Steering Committee will provide important information on the following topics: · Industry-Wide Testing The CSA has assumed a leadership role in working with various members of the Canadian subgroup of the G-30 in developing and implementing industry-wide Year 2000 testing planned for June 1999. · 33-106 Year 2000 Readiness Reporting A national instrument will be released in October that requires registrants to file reports on Year 2000 readiness. Break Self-Regulatory and Industry Organizations Report on Y2K Testing Initiatives Chair: Paul Bourque, Ontario Securities Commission Speakers: J. Adam Conyers, The Toronto Stock Exchange Thomas Cumming, Alberta Stock Exchange Speaker TBA, Montréal Exchange Peter Grant, Vancouver Stock Exchange Keith Rose, Investment Dealers Association of Canada Gary Stephenson, Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd. Keith Costello, The Investment Funds Institute of Canada Gordon Divitt, FundServ This session will examine the testing initiatives of some key Canadian regulators in respect of the Year 2000 Issue. The Integrity of Canada’s Financial System Speaker TBA, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions |