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Securities Law

NIN 99/50 - SEDAR Filings and Year 2000 Contingency Plans [NIN - Rescinded]

Published Date: 1999-12-17
Effective Date: 1999-12-15

The Canadian Securities Administrators ("CSA") have developed various contingency plans to ensure that filings with the applicable securities regulatory authorities will not be interrupted during the Year 2000 critical period. In the event that technical difficulties prevent an electronic filing from being made using the SEDAR system, and the filing is required to be filed during this period, filers should rely upon the temporary hardship exemption in section 3.1 of National Instrument 13-101. This provision will permit affected electronic filers to file their materials in paper format under cover of SEDAR Form 3, provided the paper filing is made no later than two business days after the day on which the electronic filing was required.

Electronic filers that make paper filings under the temporary hardship exemption are required to file the corresponding electronic version of the paper filing through SEDAR within three business days after making the filing in paper format. If technical difficulties beyond the control of an electronic filer prevent the filing of the electronic version of the paper filing within three business days, the electronic version should be filed as soon as practicable once the technical difficulties have been resolved. The CSA intend to use appropriate means to inform electronic filers on a timely basis of information regarding any interruption of SEDAR service, as well as the resumption of service should an interruption occur.

If electronic filers find it necessary to use the temporary hardship exemption during the Year 2000 critical period, electronic filers will not be required to remit any applicable filing fees when the paper filing is made under the exemption unless the securities regulatory authority or regulator in the relevant jurisdiction makes a specific request for immediate payment. Any applicable filing fees not paid at the time of a paper filing under the temporary hardship exemption must be paid by an electronic payment at the time the electronic version of the paper filing is submitted through SEDAR.

If it becomes necessary to do so during the Year 2000 critical period, the securities regulatory authorities in the various CSA jurisdictions will take appropriate steps to grant temporary exemptive relief to vary the application of the requirements of National Instrument 13-101 so that electronic filers may proceed in the manner outlined above.

For more information, contact

Jennifer Yolland
Senior Securities Analyst
British Columbia Securities Commission
(604) 899-6717
or (800) 373-6393 (in B.C.)
DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia, on December 15, 1999.

Wayne Redwick, C.G.A.

Ref: NI 13-101

This NIN refers to other documents. These documents can be found at the B.C. Securities Commission public website atwww.bcsc.bc.cain the Policy Documents Database.