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Securities Law

15-601F - Summons to Attend Before Commission [BCF - Rescinded]

Published Date: 2001-03-16
Effective Date: 2001-03-16
Rescinded Date: 2012-09-17
In The Matter of the Securities Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 418

In the Matter of ( Put The Respondents’ Names Here )

Summons to Attend Before Commission

TO: (name (and address if known) of person to be summoned)

TAKE NOTICE that you are required to attend to testify as a witness at the time, date and place set out below. You are also required to bring with you all documents in your possession or power relating to the matters in question in this hearing.


PLACE:British Columbia Securities Commission
12th Floor Hearing Room, 701 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V7Y 1L2

DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia, on ***, 20 .


Attached to this Summons is a copy of the relevant provisions of the Securities Act.

Extract from the
Securities Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 418

Authority of persons presiding at hearings

173. The person presiding at a hearing required or permitted under this Act or the regulations
(a) has the same power that an investigator appointed under section 142 or 147 has under section 144

Investigator’s power at hearing

144.(1)An investigator appointed under section 142 or 147 has the same power
(a) to summon and enforce the attendance of witnesses,
(b) to compel witnesses to give evidence on oath or in any other manner, and
(c) to compel witnesses to produce records and things and classes of records and things
as the Supreme Court has for the trial of civil actions.

(2) The failure or refusal of a witness
(a) to attend,
(b) to take an oath,
(c) to answer questions, or
(d) to produce the records and things or classes of records and things in the custody, possession or control of the witness
makes the witness, on application to the Supreme Court, liable to be committed for contempt as if in breach of an order or judgement of the Supreme Court.

(3) Section 34 of the Evidence Act does not exempt any financial institution, as defined in that section of that Act, or any officer or employee of the institution from the operation of this section.

(4) A witness giving evidence at an investigation conducted under section 142 or 147 may be represented by counsel.

NOTE: You are entitled to be paid the same personal allowances for your attendance at the hearing as are paid for the attendance of a witness summoned to attend before the Supreme Court.