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Securities Law

44-101F1 - Short Form Prospectus [F Proposed Amendment Blackline - Lapsed]

Published Date: 2006-12-22

Concurrently Published:


Item 1 Cover Page Disclosure
1.1 Required Language
1.2 Preliminary Short Form Prospectus Disclosure
1.3 Disclosure Concerning Documents Incorporated by Reference
1.4 Basic Disclosure about the Distribution
1.5 Name and Address of Issuer
1.6 Distribution
1.6.1 Offering Price in currency other than Canadian dollar
1.7 Non-Fixed Price Distributions
1.8 Reduced Price Distributions
1.9 Market for Securities
1.10 Underwriter(s)
1.11 International Issuers
1.12 Restricted Securitiessecurities
1.13 Earnings Coverage Ratios

Item 2 Summary Description of Business
2.1 Summary of Description of Business

Item 3 Consolidated Capitalization
3.1 Consolidated Capitalization

Item 4 Use of Proceeds
4.1 Proceeds
4.2 Principal Purposespurposes - generally
4.3 Principal purposes - indebtedness
4.4 Principal purposes - asset acquisition
4.5 Principal purposes - insiders, etc.
4.6 Principal purposes - research and development
4.7 Business objectives and milestones
4.8 Unallocated funds in trust or escrow
4.9 Other sources of funding
4.10 Financing by special warrants, etc.

Item 5 Plan of Distribution
5.1 Disclosure of Market OutConditions to Underwriters' Obligations
5.2 Best Efforts Offering
5.3 Determination of Price
5.4 Over-Allotments
5.4 Stabilization
5.4.1 Underwriting discounts - Interests of management and others in material transactions

5.5 Minimum Distribution
5.6 Reduced Price Distributions
5.7 Listing Application
5.8 Conditional Listing Approval
5.9 Constraints
5.10 Special warrants acquired by underwriters or agents

Item 6 Earnings Coverage Ratios
6.1 Earnings Coverage Ratios

Item 7 Description of Securities Being Distributed
7.1 Equity Securities
7.2 Debt Securities
7.3 Asset-backed Securities
7.4 Derivatives
7.5 Other Securities
7.6 Special Warrants, etc.
7.7 Restricted Securities
7.8 Modification of Terms
7.9 Ratings
7.10 Other Attributes

Item 8 Selling Security Holder
8.1 Selling Security Holder

Item 9 Mineral Property
9.1 Mineral Property

Item 10 Significant Acquisitions
10.1 Application and Definitions
 Significant Acquisitions

Item 11  Documents Incorporated by Reference
11.1 Mandatory Incorporation by Reference
11.2 Mandatory Incorporation by Reference of Future Documents
11.3 Issuers without a Current AIF or Current Annual Financial Statements
11.4 Significant Acquisition for Which No Business Acquisition Report is Filed

Item 12 Additional Disclosure for Issues of Guaranteed Securities
12.1 Credit Supporter Disclosure

Item 13 Exemptions for Certain Issues of Guaranteed Securities
13.1 The Issuer is a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of the Credit Supporter
13.2 The Issuer and One or More Subsidiary Credit Supporters are Wholly Owned Subsidiaries of the Parent Credit Supporter
13.3 One or More Credit Supporters are Wholly Owned Subsidiaries of the Issuer
Definitions and interpretation
13.2 Issuer is wholly-owned subsidiary of parent credit supporter
13.3 Issuer is wholly-owned subsidiary of, and one or more subsidiary credit supporters controlled by, parent credit supporter -
13.4 One or more credit supporters controlled by issuer

Item 14 Relationship between Issuer or Selling Securityholder and Underwriter
14.1 Relationship between Issuer or Selling Securityholder and Underwriter

Item 15 Interest of Experts
15.1 Names of Experts
15.2 Interest of Experts
15.3 Exemption

Item 16 Promoters and substantial beneficiaries of the offering
16.1 Promoters and substantial beneficiaries of the offering

Item 17 Risk Factors
17.1 Risk Factors

Item 18 Other Material Facts
18.1 Other Material Facts

Item 19 Exemptions from the Instrument or this Form
19.1 Exemptions from the Instrument or this Form

Item 20 Statutory Rights of Withdrawal and Rescission
20.1 General
20.2 Non-fixed Price Offerings

Item 21 Certificates
21.1 Officers, Directors and Promoters
21.2 Underwriters
21.3 Related Credit Supporters

21.1 Certificates
21.2 Issuer certificate form
21.3 Underwriter certificate form

21.4 Amendments
21.5 Date of Certificates